Membership Management Software for Royal Canadian Legions
This website contains information and help to Royal Canadian Legion branches. Starting with software, iSalute Membership Software,is there to help branches maintain and report on membership records.
Latest Version: 3.9.5
Software to Manage your Membership recordkeeping.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: iSalute now installs in folder "iSalute Membership Software" and you need to copy AddressBook.mdb from your current folder into this new folder.
Save Time with a CSV import file. You create or we create.
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Create, Print and report on Poppy Receipts issued, etc
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This software is used to manage invited Honourees and their guests to special events.
Honours and Awards, Veterans Appreciation Dinners.
Use the Support Menu item to view
I've started playing with the program and I am amazed how user friendly it is.
I use the Software to lookup Members' phone numbers or addresses. I really like the idea we can print mailing labels during our Poppy Fund campaign.
I can now ask for a list of new members in minutes without looking through files and paper work.
We have used it for Years